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Pertamina's Tanker Sales Brought Profit


The Business Competition Supervisory Comission (KPPU) ruled on March 3 that Pertamina, Frontline (one of the largest independent operators of supertankers in the world) and Goldman Sachs (a global investment bank) have colluded in the sale of two supertankers. As a result the state lost up to US$20-50 million.

Indonesia Infrastructure Financing and Legal Certainty


Following January's successful Infrastructure Summit 2005 the government will soon be tendering specific infrastructure projects. In seeking to attract foreign investors, the government will need to address a fundamental obstacle: the lack of certainty in our legal system.

The Necessity for Corporate Social Responsibility


In the past, various groups in society believed that the business and social worlds were two separate and opposing poles. They assumed that business was definitely in contradiction to social matters, and were of the thinking that social and public interests would always harm business operations.

Asset Recoveries


Beberapa waktu lalu, Colin Joseph, pengacara dari kantor hukum Kendall Freeman, London, menulis e-mail kepada Emmy Hafild. E-mail itu juga dikirim ke alamat saya. Pengacara itu menghidupkan kembali gagasan untuk mengejar kekayaan negara yang raib ke luar negeri pada zaman pemerintahan Soeharto.

Buyat Case - Economic Growth versus Environtment


The Buyat Bay case reflects the never ending tension between the concept of economic growth on the one hand and that of environmental management on the other. This is a classical tension that can never be satisfactorily resolved, although people have, on many occasions, talked about the concept of sustainable development,

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